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What are Individualised Living Options (ILO) and their Role

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Individualised Living Options (ILO) is a program that offers customised support and accommodation solutions for people with disabilities. Unlike traditional group homes or institutional settings, ILO focuses on tailoring living arrangements to meet the unique needs and preferences of each individual. This means individuals have more control over where they live, who they live with, and the support they receive.

The goal of ILO is to promote independence, choice, and inclusion, allowing individuals to lead fulfilling lives within their communities. Through ILO, people with disabilities can access the support they need while enjoying greater autonomy and freedom in their living arrangements.

What is an Individualised Living Option in NDIS?

An Individualised Living Option (ILO) in the NDIS is a customised housing and support program for people with disabilities. Unlike traditional group homes, ILO focuses on tailoring living arrangements to suit each person’s unique needs and preferences. This means individuals have more say in where they live, who they live with, and the type of support they receive.

The goal of ILO is to promote independence, choice, and inclusion, empowering individuals to live fulfilling lives within their communities. Through ILO, people with disabilities can access personalised support while enjoying greater control over their living arrangements.

How To Structure Your Individualised Living Options

In your Individualised Living Options (ILO) plan, you can use both formal and informal support systems, like family and friends. When informal support isn’t enough, the NDIS can provide funding for the formal support outlined in your plan.

The process of adding ILO support to your plan happens in two main stages:

  • Designing Your Living Options: You get to decide where you want to live, who you want to live with, and the type of support you need. You also choose your support provider.
  • Implementing Your ILO: This stage depends on your preferences and needs. Your support will be customised to where and how you want to live, providing stability, safety, and flexibility. You can make changes to your support if needed.

Keep in mind that ILO support doesn’t cover activities outside your home, like studying or going out. If you need these supports, they’ll be included in other parts of your plan. You might also need separate support for home modifications or additional living assistance.

What are Individualised Living Options (ILO) and their Role

Supports Included In An Individualised Living Options NDIS Plan

Training for those who care for you or assist you:

  • Help with setting up and organising your home.
  • Access to people you can call for assistance whenever necessary.
  • Assistance with personal care tasks.
  • Guidance in deciding where you want to live and the support you require.
  • Help in becoming more independent in your daily life.

What’s Not Covered In The ILO Options?

Through NDIS plan, you can figure out which supports are not included in your NDIS plan. While the NDIS offers access to many supports, some things are not covered under the independent living options NDIS supports:

  • Help with activities outside your home, such as school, work, playing, or community activities.
  • Specialist disability accommodation (SDA).
  • Develop a behaviour support plan if needed; however, this support can be added separately to your NDIS plan if required.
  • Rent or mortgage payments for your house or home.
  • Everyday expenses like food, water, electricity, or internet bills.
  • Home remodelling or modifications that are not related to your disability.

How Can ILO Work For You?

ILO can be helpful for any NDIS participant who has a plan and qualifies for supported individualised living. First, talk to your NDIS planner about what you prefer and your goals. They will work with you to make sure your needs are included in a plan that has ILO.

Once you have the plan, you can start looking into your individualised living options. This might mean getting your own house, or apartment, or living with roommates, family, or friends. You can also decide how much support you need, from a little help now and then to full-time care.

Your NDIS plan management team can tell you if it’s funded in your plan.

Can Any NDIS Participant Apply For ILO?

You can consider ILO options if you’re 18 or older. This also includes:

If you’re getting ready and willing to work on setting up your own home in the future.

If you’re searching for housing providers and different living arrangements.

The Benefits Of Individualised Living Options

ILO support can be really important for anyone who wants to live more independently. Unlike Supported Independent Living, which mainly supports group housing, ILO is more flexible and can change as your needs change. Here’s how ILO can help:

  • Achieving your goals: With ILO, you can explore new opportunities and work towards your life goals. It helps you become more independent and self-reliant, opening up new possibilities and experiences.
  • Learning life skills: The NDIS focuses on helping you develop important life skills like planning, budgeting, cooking, and cleaning. These skills are crucial for living on your own and being more independent.
  • Getting support at home: ILO can provide various services to help you manage your home better. This could include assistance with cleaning, cooking, or even having support workers to help you with daily tasks and activities.

What Will Your ILO Look Like?

Individualised Living Options (ILO) funding from the NDIS is all about focusing on you and your needs. Here’s what your ILO might include:

  • Support circle: This could involve volunteers who help you live more independently.
  • Co-residency: This means your main helpers and caregivers live with you, often at a reduced rate.
  • Living together: You might share a home with other participants and support each other.
  • Host: This option lets you live with a friend or non-family member who provides a safe place to stay.
  • ILO gives you more freedom to achieve your goals and live life your way. It’s important to choose a trustworthy ILO provider for all your support needs. If you have any questions about your NDIS plan, feel free to contact us at 0405 610 898. We’re here to help with any queries you have.
  1. Who is eligible for Individualised Living Options (ILO) under the NDIS?

Individuals aged 18 and above who require supported individualised living can consider ILO options. This includes those preparing to set up their own homes in the future or searching for housing providers and different living arrangements.

  1. What supports are included in an Individualised Living Options NDIS plan?

Supports may include training for caregivers, assistance with setting up and managing your home, on-call support, personal care, and guidance in decision-making about your living arrangements and support needs.

  1. What’s not covered in the ILO options under NDIS?

While the NDIS offers access to many supports, some things are not covered under the ILO options, such as activities outside the home, specialist disability accommodation, rent or mortgage payments, everyday expenses, home remodelling unrelated to disability, and payments for informal support.

  1. How can ILO work for me?

ILO can be beneficial for any NDIS participant with a plan who seeks more independence. By discussing preferences and goals with your NDIS planner, you can tailor your living arrangements to suit your needs and explore various options, from living independently to sharing accommodation with others.

  1. What are the benefits of Individualised Living Options (ILO)?

ILO provides individuals with greater freedom, allowing them to achieve their life goals, learn essential life skills, and receive support customised to their specific needs. It offers flexibility and can adapt as needs change, empowering individuals to live life on their own terms.

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